К  обложке




Устная История проделала долгий путь с момента своего первого академического провозглашения в конце 40-х годов XX века и до настоящего времени. Появившись как узкое направление в рамках библиотечного и архивного дела, Устная История постепенно завоевала признание профессиональных историков, нашедших в устных воспоминаниях исключительный источник информации о прошлом. Первый энтузиазм в отношении возможностей устной истории, тем не менее, довольно скоро сменился критикой прямолинейного подхода к интерпретации воспоминаний и поиском новых методов их анализа.

Исследования последних лет показали, что многие вопросы, стоящие сейчас перед специалистами в области Устной Истории, поднимаются и в других областях гуманитарных наук: Истории, Антропологии, Социологии, Фольклористике. Устная История сейчас имеет все основания считаться междисциплинарной практикой, позволяющей извлекать информацию из устных источников.

Источник: http://old.eu.spb.ru/oralhist/index.htm


Объединенный каталог ссылок

Oral History Association

International Oral History Association

Oral History Society

History and Memory Center at the Indiana University

The Regional Oral History Office, research program of the University of California, Berkeley, working within The Bancroft Library

Oral History Research Office , Columbia University

Oral History Project of the Senate Historical Office

Institute for Oral History at Baylor University

American Association for State and Local History

American Folklife Center

American Folklore Society

ICME - the International Committee for Museums of Ethnography


Oral History Directory

Центр визуальной антропологии и устной истории РГГУ

Проект "Женщина в мечети: устные истории". Центр социологического образования Института социологии РАН, Москва

Международное историко-просветительское правозащитное и благотворительное общество "Мемориал"

Научно-исследовательский центр устной истории при Петрозаводском государственном университете

Фонд "Юрятин". Проект "Общественный музей устной истории". Программа "Устная история Перми"

Центр гендерных исследований Европейского гуманитарного университета (Минск, Белорусь). Проект "Женщины. Память. Война"

Региональный научно-образовательный центр "Новая локальная история" Ставропольского государственного университета

Украинская ассоциация устной истории



Воронежский центр устной истории - один из наиболее деятельных центров устной истории в России.

The Harvard Project on the Soviet Social System Online - коллекция интервью с людьми, бежавшими из СССР в годы холодной войны (на английском языке).

VOAHA: Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive - архив, собравший воспоминания по темам: азиатские американцы, история трудового движения, история женщин, мексиканские американцы и пр.

VOAHA: Virtual Oral/Aural History Archive - архив, собравший воспоминания по темам: азиатские американцы, история трудового движения, история женщин, мексиканские американцы и пр.

Oral History Society - сайт международного общества устной истории при Британской библиотеке.

Oral History Association - сайт ассоциации американских организаций, занимающихся устной истории. Здесь же вы можете подписаться на весьма полезную рассылку, посвященную устной истории.

HistoricalVoices.org - электронный архив аудиозаписей, представляющих историческую ценность. Что характерно, практически все касаются только истории США.

Talking about the Lines - большая коллекция материалов в формате Real Audio, ряд теоретических работ.

The History Makers - архив видеоматериалов по устной истории. Тема - афроамериканцы в истории США.

Regional Oral History Office of the University of California - сайт данного общества. Ряд коллекций доступны он-лайн (как текстовые, так и оригинальные материалы).

Veterans History Project - проект, целью которого является сохранение и обеспечение доступа к воспоминаниям ветеранов США - участников крупнейших войн ХХ века.



General Resource Sites

Ancestry.com - Interview Absolutely Everyone! 
Article from "Along Those Lines..." by George Morgan.


Ancestry.com - Preserving Family Stories 
From Shaking Your Family Tree by Myra Vanderpool Gormley, C.G.


Ancestry.com - Rumors, Gossip, and Little White Lies 
Approaching family legends with an open mind.


Ancestry.com - The Third Degree: Tips for a Successful Interview 
From Ancestry Magazine, Jan/Feb 1998, Volume 16, Number 1 by George Thurston.


The Art of the Oral Historian 


Barrios Oral History Project  ~ Arizona
Collection of oral history interviews relating to the Hispanic communities of Tempe that is fully transcribed and indexed .


BYU Broadcasting | Capturing the Past - An Introduction 
How to prepare & conduct and oral history interview.


A Child's Point of View 
Article on capturing a child's point of view for their furture heritage.


Clio Whispers About Oral History 


Countdown to Millennium - An Oral History Collection Project 
Oral history stories of residents from southeastern Ohio.


Doing Oral History 
From The General Commission on Archives and History - The United Methodist Church, Archival Leaflet Series.


Family Legends 


Family Legends - Can they be trusted? 


Family Legends, True or False. And How Do I Solve Them? 
Summary of a discussion from the Sedona Genealogy Club.


Genealogy.com: The Importance of Oral Histories 
An article written by Lyman D. Platt, Ph.D.


Genealogy.com: Interviewing Mom and Grandma: Oral History Tips 
Article by Sharon DeBartolo Carmack.


Genealogy.com: Organizing Oral History Information 


Genealogy.com: Suggested Topics and Questions for Oral Histories 


Guide for Interviewing Family Members 
Abstracted from Virginia Allee's "A Family History Questionaire" in October 1978 Family Heritage Magazine.


Guide for Interviewing Family Members 
A Guide for Interviewing Family Members, with tips collected by Dick Eastman from various sources.


A member of the H-Net, Humanities & Social Sciences On-Line initiative.


BGCT - TBHC - How To Prepare An Oral History 
From the Texas Baptist Historical Collection.


Interviewing a Relative 
Online article.


Kindred Keepsakes - Memory Book Questions 


Legal Issues for Oral Histories 


Lineages' Genealogy Site: First Steps - Interview Family Members  


Lives, The Biography Resource 
Guide to biography sites on the Web with links to thousands of biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, diaries, letters, narratives, oral histories and more.


Miss Perry Comes to Washington 
Oral history of Jean Perry LOWMAN.


One-Minute Guide to Oral Histories 
From the University of California, Berkeley.


Oral History - Interviewing Relatives 
From the About.com genealogy section.


Oral History Interview, Questions and Topics 


Oral History Interviews, Why, How, Help with Oral Family History 


An Oral History Primer 


Oral History Checklist 
From the Museum Victoria and the Department of Education in Australia.


Oral History Techniques - How to Organize and Conduct Oral History Interviews 


Oral History Techniques and Procedures 
By Stephen E. Everett for the Center of Military History.


PIE Interview Guide - Family Folklore Interviewing Guide and Questionnaire 


PIE - The Art of Interviewing Relatives and Getting Answers to Your Questions 


Preserving Community / Cuentos del Varrio 
An Oral History Instruction Manual.


Roots Television 
Roots Television is an online television network by and for avid genealogists. Videos include how-to demonstrations, conference lectures, and region-specific programming including Irish, Hispanic, British, Jewish, African-American research and more. Videos are available online, on-demand, and virtually all of them are absolutely free.


Program Guide 


Preserving the Past 




A Script for Video or Audio Interviews with Family Members 


Southern Oral History Program 


Step-by-Step Guide to Oral History 
From DoHistory.


Form for Interview Tracking 


Project to instruct and inspire people to record each others' stories in sound.


Tips for Interviewers 
From the University of California, Berkeley.


USU Oral History Projects 
From Utah State University.


Virginia Folklife Program Oral History Workshop: A Basic Guide to the Concepts, Techniques and Strategies of Oral History Research 


Yahoo!...Oral History 

Libraries, Archives & Museums

The Bancroft Library - University of California, Berkeley 


Regional Oral History Office 


Tips for Interviewers 


One-Minute Guide to Oral History 


Baylor University Institute for Oral History: Oral History Workshop on the Web 


British Library Oral History: National Life Stories 


California State Archives - California State Government Oral Histories 


Center for Oral History, University of Hawaii at Manoa 
Includes descriptions of COH projects and resources. Features short audio clips from oral history interviews on Hawaii.


Center for the Study of History and Memory at Indiana University 


CIMS Oral History Page 
An extensive list of links to oral history repositories from the Centre for Immigration and Multicultural Studies, Australian National University.


Center for Iranian Jewish Oral History 


East Midlands Oral History Archive  ~ United Kingdom

Ellis Island Oral History Project 


Kentucky Oral History Commission Guide to Kentucky Oral History Collections 
Searchable index.


National Archives of South Africa 


National Automated Archival Information Retrieval System (NAAIRS) 
Online searchable finding aid to identify and locate archival material. NAAIRS does not contain actual scanned documents.


Select and Search A NAAIRS Database 


Database: National Register of Oral Sources (NAROS) 


Navy Oral History Collection 
A Collection of Veterans and Families Stories Biographies Documents and Photographs.


Oral History  ~ Georgia
Held by the Statesboro Regional Library System.


Oral History and Folklore of the Miami Valley, Ohio 
From the Miami Valley Cultural Heritage Project.


Oral History Collection 
At the Royal Naval Museum, Portsmouth, England.


Oral History Collections at the Reuther Library 
Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan.


The Oral History Program, University of Alaska Fairbanks 


Pacific Lutheran University - Robert A. L. Mortvedt Library  ~ Tacoma, Washington


Archives and Special Collections 


Scandinavian Immigrant Experience Collection 
A depository of historical materials relating to immigrants to the Pacific Northwest from Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. Closely tied to the Regional Archives of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America.


Oral History Collection 












The Southern Oral History Program 


Notes on Interviewing 


Ten Tips for Interviewers 


UCLA Oral History Program 


Introduction to Oral History 


Planning and Conducting an Oral History Interview 
Includes sample legal agreements.


University of Kentucky Oral History Program 


Voices of the Colorado Plateau 
An online multimedia museum collection featuring oral history recordings and historic photographs that document life on the Colorado Plateau.


The Western Cape Oral History Project 

Publications, Software & Supplies

Cyndi's List Genealogy Bookstore 
A categorized list of genealogy research books that looks a lot like my bookshelf at home.

Amazon.com Genealogy Bookstore - Oral History 
The following are individual book titles of interest for this topic. The book links below point to the Amazon.com bookstore online where you may purchase the book if you wish. These links are provided to bring these published resources to your attention as an aid to your research. Follow the links to books of interest to make note of their title, author, publisher, and ISBN. You might then use this information to obtain the book from your local library or your favorite corner book shop.


Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins: How Our Family Stories Shape Us 
A book by Elizabeth Stone.


Doing Oral History 
A book by Donald A. Ritchie.


Front Porch History: Researching and Telling Your Family's Stories 
A book by Tammy Cardwell.


How to Tape Instant Oral Biographies 
A book by Bill Zimmerman.


Keeping Family Stories Alive: Discovering and Recording the Stories and Reflections of a Lifetime 
A book by Vera Rosenbluth.


Like It Was: A Complete Guide to Writing Oral History 
A book by Cynthia Stokes Brown.


Listening For Our Past : A Lay Guide To African American Oral History Interviewing 
A book by Hasker Nelson.


The Memory Triggering Book 
A book by Robert M. Wendlinger.


The Oral History Reader 
A book by Robert Perks.


The Tape-Recorded Interview: A Manual for Fieldworkers in Folklore and Oral History 
A book by Edward D. Ives.


Touching Tomorrow : How to Interview Your Loved One to Capture a Lifetime of Memories on Video or Audio 
A book by Mary Loverde.


Transcribing and Editing Oral History 
A book by Willa K. Baum.


Your Life and Times : How to Put a Life Story on Tape - An Oral History Handbook  
A book by Stephen Arthur, Julia Arthur.


Family Stories Video Family History 
Professionally produced, PBS-style documentary of a parent, grandparent, or other family member telling their life story and communicating with generations across time and space, visually and orally, in their own words.


Yourfamily.com - Videos, Albums, and Taped Oral Histories 

Societies & Groups

Association of Personal Historians - Helping You Record Your Life Stories and Memories 
Tips for capturing family memories and interviewing elders. Lists of upcoming conferences and workshops to enhance interviewing and other skills. Membership roster lists oral and personal historians by state.


Canadian Oral History Association 


International Oral History Association 


Michigan Oral History Association 


New England Association of Oral History 


Oral History Association 
Includes an extensive list of links to oral history repositories.


Oral History Society 


Oral History Association of Dickinson College ~ Pennsylvania


Southwest Oral History Association 
Newsletter, membership and annual conference information.


Texas Oral History Association 



Legacy Memoirs: Publisher of Life Stories and Oral Histories 
Publishers of oral histories, personal memoirs, and custom biographies for families worldwide.


OnLine & OnTime, Virtual Transcription Services New
Preserve your oral histories on paper. Amateur genealogists ourselves, we can transcribe your oral histories in either tape or digital format.


Personal Historian - Sharon Bushell - Life Stores "biographies - oral histories" <